Petition – Oppose HB19-1312 Protect Our Health

Please help me fight for the rights of the people in allowing parents to choose what is best for vaccinating their child.


Senator Owen Hill

249 thoughts on “Petition – Oppose HB19-1312 Protect Our Health

  1. Not all vaccines are created equally. Forcing any medical treatment onto a person is a bad precedent. Labeling parents who choose to opt out as negligent decreases a parents right to advocate for what’s best for their child.
    I would 100% support better education programs and other alternatives to try and increase vaccine rates, but I ask that you vote no on this bill.

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  2. Health and how we do health is a religious right. All the way back to the Old Testament this has been. So health is in the parental jurisdiction, never the government. You are going beyond your place and this is totally against the constitution!


  3. This bill crosses the line. Is anybody familiar with the Nuremberg Code?!! That supposedly, we, the United States, adheres to? This is medical tyranny at its finest. I will never vaccinate. I will never sign something that makes me look negligent.

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    1. Hear hear! This year I hope to infect my child with polio and maybe another disease… What do you think about measles? I hear it’s popular these days, and SUPER contagious…

      Oh but maybe they are bringing back smallpox this year? That would be great! I know we eradicated that back in the ’70s with high vaccination rates throughout the world, but maybe somebody can find some in a lab somewhere so we can have an epidemic like back in the good ole days! The sheer number of lives saved, and the staggering amount of human suffering avoided by eradicating that disease must be, well, staggering, but if the government did all that, then clearly it was a dumb and wrong thing to do!

      I mean, if the gov’ment says these “diseases” are “bad”, and they’re so bad at managing things, then that must mean the diseases are good, right?? Epidemics for everyone!

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  4. To take away our medical decision making is un-American as is takes away our freedom. Like others have said, one slippery slope and another way for the government to completely control every aspect of your life. We don’t live in a dictatorship, or so I thought.

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    1. This slippery slope has already been slipped upon: the Supreme Court has been upholding states’ mandatory vaccination laws as a pre-requisite to public school attendance since the early 1900s. Nobody’s requiring kids to get vaccinated, they’re just requiring them to get vaccinated IF they attend the disease-sharing environment that is the public school system. It’s a public service that you are not required to take part in, so states can make reasonable restrictions to protect public health, and it’s all perfectly legal and allowed by the Constitution.

      Don’t like it? Then don’t use the public school system. It’s still your choice.

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      1. This bill does not just affect public schoolchildren. It also affects home schooled children like my vaccine-injured daughter. I kept her OUT of ALL daycare and public school campuses for multiple reasons, but one of those was medical freedom. After two adverse reactions in a row, I simply cannot continue to vaccinate her.

        This bill does not differentiate between public, private, and home school students, as all three are considered equal under Colorado’s current education statute. I wish that just opting out of public school was the solution for my daughter and others like her, but sadly, it is not. This is just one major problem with this bill, and why non-vax home school families are so against it. There are no easy choices with a vaccine-injured child, and this bill is trying to take away the few options we do have.

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  5. Police state removing personal freedom . Show the peer reviewed clinical studies on the vaccine that shows no harm – each and every one. Not there-

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    1. Similar to my response above, there is no law in CO requiring you to vaccinate your kids. Also, there is no law stating that your kids have the unalienable right to attend public school despite not having immunizations. The Supreme Court has ruled on this multiple times, and states are allowed to turn kids away for not having their required vaccinations.

      Colorado, on the other hand, allows personal belief and religious exemptions to their mandatory vaccination (for public school attendance) law. I don’t think this HB changes those exemptions, though it requires the forms to be standardized statewide. So, what are you complaining about? You will still be allowed to fail to protect your kids from dangerous diseases.

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  6. I am a dentist and I can see everyday how each patient is different and unique and reacts differently to the same medication. It is absurd to force all the vaccinations to everyone without having in consideration that kids and adults can react adversely to one or several. We need to have the right to choose what goes into our body. We know our kids better than anyone and we need to keep the freedom to participate in which vaccinations and medications to take.

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  7. I know of several individuals after receiving the HPV vaccine that have had irreversible side effects from said vaccine. Years later they are still fighting the horrible side effects from the vaccine. Please talk to some of the poor young women that suffered greatly after having this vaccine.

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  8. Thank you Sen. Hill for opposing this bill. How on earth can they be thinking of mandating a product made by such an unscrupulous industry that’s been found guilty of fraud time and time again. A product that DOES NOT go through true double blind placebo safety studies. Nor has the cumulative effects of all these vaccines ever been safety tested. A product that is injected into our babies! A product that is made by an industry that has no liability whatsoever if said product harms or kills. What incentive do they have to make a safer product. They don’t care. Parents must have the right to weigh the risks and benefits of these vaccines and decide for themselves. This bill will make it more difficult for parents with injured children to get exemptions. The state has no place coming between a physician and patient. It’s time to bring liability back to the vaccine industry. Thank you again for standing up for parental rights and civil liberties.

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  9. I oppose HB19-1312. Government should not be involved in the healthcare decisions of children. That is between parents and their doctor. Yesterday, my boys had their yearly well child check-up. My oldest is at the age to receive the HPV (Gardasil) vaccine. His pediatrician said that SHE WOULD NOT RECOMMEND IT FOR HIM!! If this bill becomes law, neither his doctor nor I would have a choice in the matter. Instead, I would need to file an exemption and have my son’s name be placed in a non-complier database. Tracking children who file vaccine exemptions is wrong and discriminatory. This bill is a perfect example of government over reach. It is unconstitutional. Thank you for standing up for families and our rights as parents to decide what is best for our children.

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  10. I believe in vaccines but I don’t believe this bill is the answer. It oversteps and is not designed how vaccines were intended.


  11. My parents, believing that vaccines are safe and effective had me dpt vaccinated in what was represent red to them as an experiment in 1949. I screamed for 20 hours a day with encephalopathy. Doctors said it was severe colic (fairly common misdiagnosis). The booster shot at 3 months brought on seizures/convulsions and paralysis with encephalitis. I was hospitalized at Denver Childrens in a quarantine ward (with others) diagnosed with polio encephalitis. I almost died and was expected to be in a vegetative state for life, if I survived with my 1% chance. The day I was released from hospital I had to be rushed back from Boulder with salmonella paratyphoid dysentery and almost died again. My parents fortunately did not follow doctors orders to withhold fluids. I have seen reports about adverse events related to vaccines that include everything I suffered. I was raised to believe in doctors and their near superhuman powers and wisdom. I was raised and educated to believe that science and scientists are wise and brilliant. And what I discovered is that they are human, prone to being misled, can be greedy, desparate and just as blind and misguided by authorities as anyone else without pausing to do reality checks. I learned through the Dalklon shield mess and countless harmful drugs and devices mass disasters that pharmaceutical corporations are not benevolent deities and instead of acting like decent responsible adults, they further victimize their damaged customers. The government needs to stop enabling.and protect us.

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    1. I work with some of those young women who today are unable to conceive. The Gardasil vaccine is the most insidious of all of them next to the HepB that makes more sense to test the Mom before birth.
      So many parents take in completely healthy, happy babies and walk out the door with a different baby and no one is held accountable. Instead they get told that something had to be wrong with their baby and it couldn’t possibly be the vaccines. I’m so sorry that you had to endure all of that and that many would argue that you took one for the team! It’s pure insanity and it’s only gotten worse. We now have 54% of American children dealing with 1 or 2 chronic health issues and I blame vaccine and the insidious schedule.

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  12. This bill is an assault on every family that has experienced an adverse event following vaccination. My daughter was vaccine injured at two months and then again at four months before we realized what was happening. I reported the reaction to her doctor. He refused to examine her or even let me describe her symptoms. We were dismissed from his practice when I said we were not going to continue vaccinating our children. We never did get any answers about our daughter’s problems, but we tried to just move on the best we could, treating her symptoms ourselves. We have been peacefully home schooling her and her siblings for the last eleven years with personal exemptions on file for all of them (we do not qualify for a medical exemption since I couldn’t get a doctor to acknowledge her symptoms). Now, all that is needlessly threatened by the introduction of this bill that serves no purpose except to bully all Colorado’s parents into submitting to one-size-fits-all healthcare.

    Proponents of this bill will scoff at my concerns and say that it preserves freedoms by not actually removing any exemptions. However, to get the particular exemptions I need now requires me to make a trip to a health department office to fill out a standardized state form. This form also requires me to sign a statement that I admit to endangering my children by not vaccinating them! All so I can continue educating my children in my own private basement! Yes, this law will apply explicitly to private home schoolers in the same manner as it will apply to public school students, even though home schoolers are funding their own private education away from the so-called “herd” that everyone keeps yelling about protecting through immunization programs.

    I tried to set aside my concerns regarding this bill until it was actually introduced, but now that I have read the full text and listened to audio recordings of the hearing on April 15, I stand in complete opposition to this massive government overreach. It is neither necessary nor appropriate for the government to mandate medical procedures for ANY Colorado citizens, including and especially schoolchildren. We parents are perfectly happy to continue making ALL healthcare decisions for our children without any unwanted “assistance.”

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    1. You probably were never even told about VAERS and that you should have reported these reactions to VAERS and received compensation were you? Your Dr. was supposed to do that and in fact the Supreme Court so stated that Dr’s were required to provide true informed consent and in the event of adverse reactions a claim should have been filed. Over $4 billion has been paid out to vaccine damaged or dead children since 1986 and that is not even a 10th of what should have been reported that is either getting blamed on parents or the baby. This is just so, so sad!

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      1. You are correct. I found out about VAERS after doing my own research, and by that time the statute of limitations for reporting had passed. I was also not given any vaccine inserts detailing actual ingredients or side effects, just brightly colored ditto sheets explaining the benefits of vaccination. It is so frustrating to keep getting rug-swept after these so called “miracle medications” went wrong for us. No, it doesn’t happen to everyone but it DID happen to us, and we are far more common than one-in-a-million.


  13. Vaccine injuries and deaths happen all the time and they are far more common than what we are led to believe. They are so common that because vaccine manufacturers could no longer be sued after 1986, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) had to be established. Since 1988, over 19,021 petitions have been filed with the VICP. Over that 29 year period, 16, 938 petitions have been adjudicated, with 5,825 of those determined to be compensable, while 11, 113 were dismissed due to the program being extremely difficult to fight against. Even still though, the total compensation over the life of the program is approximately $3.8 Billion and counting. If more people, (especially doctors), were aware of vaccine injuries and didn’t dismiss or ignore them 99% of the time, could you imagine what the numbers within this program would be?

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    1. It’s actually $4,099,185,250.92 and as far as I’m concerned if they want to mandate vaccines, they need to repeal the 1986 Act and allow parents to be able to hold someone accountable. Back in 1979, I told my pediatrician, I’ll get the vaccines if you sign this form and although it wasn’t as lengthy, he refused and so did I. It was the end of the conversation and the end of pediatricians. I used my Mom intuition and learned how to use homeopathy and essential oils and never looked back. No one ever questioned me then, this fever pitched fearmongering and hysteria today is alarming.

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  14. Proper and non-fraudulent safety studies on vaccines have never been conducted since they are not required to go through the Gold Standard, double-blinded saline placebo controlled study like other pharmaceutical drugs have to. For instance, the FDA requires all pharmaceutical drugs to use the Gold Standard test and to follow-up with the individuals of the study for at least four to five years if not longer. Vaccine manufacturers are able to take advantage of the FDA regulatory loopholes that allow fast-tracking of vaccines which means their “safety” studies are short-term (often lasting only a mere few months, if not only weeks at a time), and are almost always done under fraudulent or misleading methods such as using a placebo that is another vaccine or an aluminum adjuvant. This means that true safety outcomes of vaccines cannot be properly determined and any long-term injuries that manifest later in life will escape attention entirely. View the safety study on the Gardasil insert for an example of how safety studies are conducted inefficiently and are very misleading.

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  15. The Center for Disease Control (CDC), vaccine manufacturers, and pharmaceutical companies refuse to do any studies comparing the health of vaccinated people with unvaccinated people — the few studies that have been done (which come from independent researchers/companies) indicated that the unvaccinated tend to be much healthier than the vaccinated. This alone means that we cannot assume vaccines are safe and/or effective until proven otherwise – since we do not know the short-term, let alone the long-term results of vaccinating.

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  16. Recent studies suggest that many of these “deadly” childhood diseases that we vaccinate against are actually beneficial to the human body. They help to effectively build up and strengthen the immune system by “teaching” the body how to successfully fight off future cancers and tumors. This happens due to the fact that the antigens found from measles, mumps, and chickenpox, etc. (benign childhood diseases) are very similar to various cancers and tumors, thus allowing the immune system to recognize cancer and tumor antigens right away and ultimately fight them off.

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  17. The most logical and scientific reason not to vaccinate an infant is the baby is unable to scale an effective immune response to any disease within the first year of life. If an infant were to have a prime immune reaction from the start, it would damage the infant’s brain as a result. This means that an infant’s immune system is unable to regulate the amount of TH1 white blood cells it produces to react to a general virus or bacteria. The thymus gland that controls the immune system is not mature until after the age of two. The thymus controls T1/T2 immunity and T memory cells; therefore it can’t “remember” a vaccine antibody until it matures which is one reason why doctors have to give so many booster shots.

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  18. Mandatory vaccinations are a violation of our fundamental human rights. There are significant problems associated with vaccines that are well documented in medical literature, such as seizures, death, encephalitis, neurological damage and other serious health issues. Measles is not a deadly epidemic or a puplic health issue, that requires people be forced to vaccinate, and you can pay your way out of it with a fine, like what’s happening in New York. All baby boomers had the measles and survived, and we now enjoy life long immunity. Nazi tactics are now being used by Godlike politicians who are both corporate puppets and pharma whores. Dangers of Childhood illnesses are grossly exaggerated. I believe that mandates are for other reasons than health. We are no longer the land of the free. The United States has become a Communist Country. This vaccine mandate movement is the new Holocaust. Where there is risk, there must be Choice. The rise of mandatory and forced vaccination legislation should send a chill up every single American spine. When we give the Government the power to make medical decisions for us, we then accept that the State owns our bodies!

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  19. We must protect the ability and the right of a doctor to determine whether or not a child should have a medical exemption. To supplant my doctor’s judgement with the government’s limited range of medical conditions to grant a medical exemption will only increase the number of vaccine damaged people in our State.

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  20. It is unconstitutional to take our rights & freedom of choice away when it comes to our bodies! I for the most part vaccinate, but I refuse to vaccinate with Gardasil or flu vaccines. The risks are NOT worth it! We should have the right to decide what we inject OUR BODIES with when it comes to vaccines. What works for one body may have awful or deadly side effects! Please listen to the people you represent! Thank you!

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  21. Grandmother Kenly of 11 👵🏻
    “Get 360 degrees of info!”
    I would like to start up “coffee Klatches” near elementary schools, maybe in a nearby church or coffee cafe – inviting local moms & dad’s to learn how to read Vaccine Inserts ‼️
    Have written invites, mail out, hand deliver, sent post card. We need to do this ‼️NOW‼️ through August 15th ; Before they register to school‼️‼️
    Show Benefits & Risks. Let them Decide what they want to do. Introduce them to Dr. Paul Thomas’s book: “THE FRIENDLY VACCINE PLAN.”
    The recent INDEPENDENT study of just his patients from birth ( less than 3000) having Autism vs CDC‼️He has more patients; but they did not start with his practice & may have been vaccinated at by other practitioners.
    Vaccinated with his schedule: 1 in 440
    with Autism. ( out of 2300+/-)
    Non vaccinated: 1 in 715 with Autism.
    CDC: 1 in 45 develop Autism!
    Very TELLING‼️
    Text me at 720.347.881 if you want to team up & share Vaccine info to our neighbors‼️👵🏻

    Kenly C Goonan, RN BSN
    CLASS OF 1968
    1969 & Beyond =Self Educated ‼️👵🏻


  22. When, how and whether or not our children receive vaccines has to remain an individual parental/doctor decision! We must stop the government overreach into our bodies and health. The government doesn’t know what is best medically for anyone and should not have this kind of power.

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  23. How many children can the system handle as this city-state takes over? Because this is the bottom line. Do parents or the state of Colorado know what is best for children?

    Vote parental rights. Our children are protected within their own homes by the parents that procreated them. Those same parents have their own children’s best interests in mind, now and future.

    We want the freedom of choice for our families, and for every family.

    Be our voice!


  24. We are a family of dental professionals. We have an office in rural Colorado specifically dedicated to serving a certain underserved population. We see mostly patients with Medicaid and have relocated to Colorado to be able to do this. If this bill passes we may be forced to leave which would again leave many people without their dental health needs met. This doesn’t just affect our family it will involve many many people. This is not good for Colorado, please learn the risks of vaccines and stop trying to force it upon a small population that has done significant research to back our stance.


  25. Forcing immunizations on any person goes against our basic rights of liberty. Vaccines have not been studied for contraindications. Yet every year more vaccines are introduced and given at the same time. Vote No on HB19-1312.


  26. The government has no right to this level of involvement in the parenting of my children. I have 4 children, 1 with a vaccine injury. We haven’t vaccinated in close to 7 years and our youngest is vaccine free. This is MY choice to make as their mother, to protect them. Vaccination also goes against my religious beliefs therefore would create an infringement on not only my parental rights but also my religious freedom. None of that is ok.


  27. I don’t think it’s always a question of vaccinating vs. not. It’s never black and white even though the press and the drug companies try to make it seem that way. My kids are mostly vaccinated. My issue is that I wanted to go very slowly because there are just so many vaccines now. And I wanted to opt out of some that I didn’t feel were necessary for my kids. I went through at least 3 doctors before I found one that would “let” me go at my rate. The issue isn’t whether folks want to vaccinate or not although there are plenty who don’t want to. The issue is that we are not being told the truth by those who are meant to be keeping us safe. The drug companies have no liability as of the mid 80’s for any injury caused. This is all being called into question because states are trying to mandate vaccines. But those trying to get the mandates in place don’t really understand how many are being administered and how much damage has been done. Doctors don’t know because they are trusting the CDC which is a for profit company with vaccine patents. They should be able to trust the CDC but unfortunately that system is broken. If we had an independent body doing the safety studies it might be better. The idea of the greater good is correct except that where is the greater good now? It’s not a question of belief. It is indeed a question of science. And there is a ton of science out there that goes against the popular belief. We all need to become more educated about what’s going on if we want to keep our kids healthy. We need to have intelligent conversations and stop fighting and calling each other names. And we need to get to the bottom of the fraud that’s costing the lives of so many children.

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  28. Thank you for your advocacy! You are so appreciated! I am a veteran public school teacher as well as a parent of a vaccine injured child. There is not a “one size fits all” in medicine, especially not in vaccines. Thank you for helping me to protect my daughter and her baby sister from any further injury/disease.

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